Time for a Change

“Nothing changes like changes, because nothing changes but the changes.”

~ Gary Busey

Uhh…what?  Nevermind, let’s move on (gotta love Gary Busey).  Last week, I mentioned I would be making some changes to my blog…and I had no idea how difficult and time-consuming actually integrating those changes would be!  My goal was to have the update in place by October 1st (and you may have noticed a few different looks on my old site right around that time), but as I played around with it more and more, I was starting to find Blogger a bit too confining for the direction in which I wanted to take my blog.  And since I’m an all-or-nothing kinda girl and I had already missed my self-imposed deadline, I decided to change everything.

  1.  New domain name – If you are a previous follower of mine, you may have noticed that you’ve arrived at anniebwills.com, not anniebwills.blogspot.com.
  2. Migration to WordPress – I had been using WordPress to write up my posts for the Silhouette blog for a while and I just started to prefer it to Blogger.
  3. Instagram and Facebook accounts – I resisted social media for years (and actually don’t use it in my personal life if you can believe it), but decided to start these two accounts just this week to connect to more people.  I enjoy sharing my projects here and would love to provide more ways for people (you) to find them.  Warning – I just opened these accounts within the past few days, so there’s not much, if anything, there!  Going forward, you can expect to find any new projects posted on all of the platforms, as well as sneak peeks on Instagram (and let’s be honest, probably some kitty pics too), notices about Silhouette promotions on Facebook, etc.  Click on the icons in the top right corner above my pic to find and subscribe to any of my channels!
  4. Schedule – I hate schedules.  My body rejects alarm clocks and calendar apps…which is strange because I am an insanely organized person otherwise (alphabetized DVD collection, ROYGBIV craft supplies, you know the kind).  But, I have come to realize that when I make a schedule for myself, I am the kind of person that keeps to that schedule.  Case in point – when I made this meal planning chalkboard last January, I stopped relying on take-out finally and actually cooked meals when I got home from work.


If you’ve made it this far in my post, you deserve a fresh-baked cookie.  I hope you enjoy the new format of the blog and are as excited about the changes as I am.  I’ve been working pretty hard this week to start bringing you more valuable content in an easier format.  There’s still a little tweaking that needs to be done around here, but I’m satisfied with the results for the most part.  I hope you’ll also consider following me on Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest (click on the icons above my picture).

I’ll be back next Tuesday with my first tutorial!